mardi 31 janvier 2023

Les jaloux: des écorchés vifs de la vie?

Et alors? Mais tous les écorchés vifs (et il y en a) n'em... pas le monde pour autant!  

Que les jaloux aient bâclé ou raté des étapes cruciales de leur construction, à la limite, on peut le comprendre. Personne n’est logé à la même enseigne à ce niveau et j’ai connu des quinquagénaires en pleine révolution identitaire. Bravo à eux !

En fait, la jalousie en elle-même ne dérange pas tant que cela. Au fond, on aurait presque de la sympathie pour ces personnes souffrant d’un profond sentiment de frustration, d’insécurité et de mal-être.

Et puis, tout le monde a été au moins jaloux une fois d’une personne à un moment de sa vie, à tort ou à raison. Souvent pour des situations espérées qui ont fini par échapper. Mais une fois le choc passé et une fois la frustration exprimée ou évacuée, la vie revient à la normale. Normalement.


Mais ce qui dérange, c’est lorsque la jalousie dépasse ce stade pour atteindre celui de la méchanceté gratuite. Ce qui est détestable chez les jaloux, c’est cette lâcheté de s’en prendre à des personnes totalement étrangères à l’origine de leur drame existentiel. Détruire, rabaisser, humilier, mentir, manipuler, saboter, exclure, tromper, critiquer… ils ne fonctionnent plus qu’en mode dénué de bon sens et de réflexion. Car oui, si lors d’une crise de jalousie, le cerveau est sur pause, dans les cas de jalousie pathologique, le cerveau est fantôme de lui-même. Donc non, contrairement à ce qu’ils font souvent croire au reste du monde, les jaloux ne sont pas si smart, si intelligents, si cool ou si puissants. Ce serait absolument tout le contraire.


Au bout du compte, l’incapacité totale des personnes jalouses à faire face aux véritables raisons de leur grand vide intérieur n’est pas le problème. Le problème est le fait qu’ils fassent payer cette incapacité à ceux qui ont réussi là ou ils ont échoué, qui sont à l’aise là où ils souffrent, qui vivent ce qu’ils ont toujours rêvé, qui sont ce qu’ils ne sont pas ou qui ont osé ce qui leur a toujours fait peur.


Et en plus donc d’être destructrice, la jalousie est totalement i-nu-ti-le. Car les jaloux auront beau détruire toutes les personnes qui chatouillent leur insécurité et leur frustration, leurs « victimes » auront toujours plus d’intelligence qu’eux pour rebondir et pour se reconstruire. Pendant ce temps, les jaloux eux, continueront leur cycle vicieux de souffrance intérieure intense, et n’auront pas avancé d’un seul iota dans leur construction et dans leur vie. Mais ce n’est pas nous qui les plaindrons.


Néanmoins, comprendre le fonctionnement de la jalousie est vital. Pas par sympathie, car ce n‘est pas ce que les jaloux inspirent le plus. Mais par intelligence. Pour anticiper et déjouer leurs manœuvres. Pour tenter une communication plus apaisée (ou pas). Le but n’étant pas de copiner avec eux mais d’être en paix avec soi-même et de se libérer des frustrations projetées. Tout cela, le plus sincèrement et authentiquement possible.


En paix. Avec soi-même. Authentique. Des concepts hors de portée des jaloux pathologiques, mais qui permettent à leurs victimes, ironiquement, de briller, de construire et d’avancer toujours plus.


Rejoignez notre séminaire sur la Jalousie au travail ces Vendredi 03 Février 13h30 à 16h00 et Samedi 04 Février 10h00 à 16h00 à Sakamanga Ampasamadinika.

Infoline: +261 34 06 885 76

mardi 14 novembre 2017

Tant que le soleil se lèvera...

Tant que le soleil continuera de se lever tous les matins, je continuerais de construire la suite de ma vie de mes propres mains.

Puis,  comme ce soleil qui se lève inlassablement, que la terre tremble, que le vent se déchaîne, que la pluie inonde ou que la nature se rebelle, j’écrirai un peu de mon histoire chaque jour, quelques soient mes doutes, mes peurs ou la bêtise humaine.

Crédit image: Pixabay.

Car rien ni personne ne peut m’enlever ce que je suis capable de créer pour moi-même.


Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.


Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Skype: cid-ar

As long as the sun continues to rise...

As long as the sun continues to rise in the morning, I will keep on building the rest of my life with my own two hands.

And just like this sun rising everyday, be the earth quaking, be the wind unleashing, be the rain flooding or the nature rebelling, I will keep on everyday writting a piece of my story, regardless of the persistency of my doubts and fears, and with no regards to the human stupidity.

Credit image: Pixabay.

For nothing and no one can ever take away from me these things that I am able to create for myself. ©


Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.


Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Skype: cid-ar

mercredi 6 septembre 2017


(Freestyle interpretation of Invictus).

I won’t break down, I won’t lose faith and I won’t kneel down indefinitely. Today might look grey and the context might sometimes look difficult, but this is a journey. And in a journey there are good and bad moments. There are rivers to look at peacefully but also mountains to climb. I am just climbing my mountains, no matter how high or how hard they may look like for others and even for me.  

It doesn’t matter because I know I am on my way. And what I am heading to on my way worth a billion times my fatigue, my sweat, my pain or my happening crisis of despair. Because I know that nothing of what is happening now is definitive. It is just a way to go through until I reach the highest point of my dreams. And this is what will keep me going.

Credit image: Pixabay.

And I will go on until I have no more tears to cry, until I have no more liquid to sweat and until each one of my cells remembers what we are fighting for. And what we are fighting for is only peace and full freedom. It is he achievement of a situation where the mind, the heart as well as the body and the soul all turn to the same direction, all breath the same peaceful oxygen of freedom of mental and soul accomplishment.

I do not know how long this will take. But I know that I have strived for it very long and that all these efforts are equities deposited in favor of my dream realization. I wish to have the cool scenario for once, tol compensate these years of efforts and mental, physical and soul struggle. Because it is common sense and logical to benefit from what has been invested.

I do not know how others deal with their days. I just can’t compare to them because our vision, our tolerance to mediocrity, our hope, our means and our mindsets are different.
But what I know is that no matter how some people might keep on accepting to bow under mediocrity or how some others might savor the taste of their extraordinary lives, it is about my life, my projects, my dreams and my means, not theirs. And I am the one who can decide whether I become one extreme edge of the frame or the other. I can decide to feel good inside even when it goes wrong outside. I can decide to transform everything I go through into a miracle or a sufferance. I choose to trasnform it into a miracle.

In this purpose, I will reach the top of my mountain whatever may. This is what I was born for. I was born to reach this state of extreme mental and spiritual wellbeing and accomplishment. No matter if this requires me to reach it by the force of my lacerated nails. I will reach it. No matter if this take years or some days. I will reach it. I promise.

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.


Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

mercredi 30 août 2017

Sometimes, pretending to be fine can be fine.

 To be or not to be fine?
The incredible use of the social networks today has made the later become some kinds of state of minds and feelings (authentic or fake) outfalls.

And no matter if their real lives looks like an accumulation of shattered stones, the social pressure has developed today a new specific talent for a lot of social network users: the journalistic art of presenting some pieces of life (cut in a surgical precision), as the master pieces of a new reality invented from all sides.

The social networks are overwhelmed under these thwarted and broken pieces of life which are presented as real moments of exception. The number of “likes” and comments actually tend to sustain these true or fake public life exposures. The masses have jumped in the deal and for a moment, the authors felt themselves existing, valorized and appreciated to the point that they will repeat this artifice as often as necessary, as long as this brings them this punctual euphoria and importance that they often lack in the real life.

The first detractors of this operating mode are often supporters and advocators of the real authentic way of living concept. No need to say that they are not the first fans of these kinds of public exposure of intimate moments of life and they obviously are unlikely to fall into the trap.

You sometimes also have these people whose own lives look pretty much like those of the fake happy-minded social network users (in the real life). They just can't for many indescribable reasons, display or show the funny, sympathetic and jovial aspect of their existences.

Well, as far as I am concerned, I am not really fond of these dishonest games of pretending to be who one we are not, pretending to live situations we have never approached or pretending to feel unauthentic emotions and just cheating people in their beliefs. But there is though, some kind of utility to these practises. The fact is that the doing-as-if method is actually among the first languages that our brains receive and decode as an order to be executed. This strangely shaped organ laying in our skulls doesn’t actually address to us in any of the earthly existing languages. It mostly addresses in symbols and thus understands better the messages we send him when these later are made into symbols.

So, in order to make our brain execute our orders in the most efficient way, we need to use the « right codes” to allow it to catch the correct messages that we want to send it. And here lays all the common sense of the success.   

The way to the brain is the way to self realization and to success.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Communicating with our brain should normally be very simple but since we have not been taught to adapt our communication to the language of our brain, this creates a major misunderstanding and misexecuting issue. And we all know what happens in organizations, Companies or families lacking good communication. This is what happens to us sometimes when we bump against the wall.

The communication system of the brain: Faith and symbols.
Now, back to the subject, the brain does not only speak in symbols, it also communicates in feelings. And one of the most important ones that makes the brain bend to full execution of a order, a dream or a desire, is FAITH. Because success like any other thing in the world, requires and involves a certain mental power, a certain physical energy to sustain the efforts displayed for reaching the goals, but also and most of all, it a well-fed soul to interact fully with the two first aspects of ourselves. This is why doing-as-if even when nothing in the reality actually allows it, is the best way to make the doing-as-if games it turn into reality. It is like telling your brain and the Universe that we know that the real context might not be favorable for the moment, but that the power of our dream, the power of our brain and the power of the Universe are much more significant that what is currently available or not in the reality.

The moment I understood this (almost 15 years ago), there was so much common sense, force and conviction into this, that the life experience sponge-absorbing-material that I was then just couldn’t wait to make my own tries about this strange but very funny experience.

The energy of doing-as-if.
And this is how, some months later, a few weeks after I lost my job, I consciously decided to dress very correctly for what was supposed to be a simple moment to spend with a good friend. There are instants in a lifetime when you are sunk so deep down to the bottom in terms of energy that a simple “Wow, you look so wonderful!” from a friend can have a great revitalizing power.

I felt pretty, refreshed, useful… important during this moment I spent with my friend which lasted only few hours. The fact is that though we don’t realize it, in these moments of deep-feeling-good and important, there are some inner mechanisms that we don’t necessarily understand which are been triggered without us knowing it, but who actually are in action.

And I was still in that state of inner power when some hours later, I received a call for a job interview from the new managers of the place I just left some weeks ago. I almost forced them to have the interview during the day so I could benefit from this flow of energy which was filling me.

I did the interview with this boosting energy within me and with the confidence of the winners. And when you think of yourself as of a winner, you mandatorily speak like a winner… and win just like winners do.

7 days after the interview, I was flying back to this 13 ha paradise hotel-island with its emerald waters for a new professional period, with new managers and new attracting salary conditions.

This has been my first conscious experience of doing-as-if, but my entire life actually is a succession of successful doing-as-if tries which turned into some victories over me and over my life in terms of awareness and of social and material evolution. And some people around with whom I had shared this concept have all after some tries, confirmed the efficiency of this strange phenomenon.

As long as the mind, the body and the soul agree with the objective, positive change is underway.
Credit image: Pixabay.

Pretending in the aim of cheating Vs. Doing-as-if.
There is a difference in terms of objectives between pretending and doing-as-if, but the real difference is in terms of effects and results.
I then asked myself if this doing-as-if concept was cheating, the same way pretending to be who we are not is.

Well the thing is that there is a difference, a huge one. This difference is not only in terms of goals but in terms of intention. When pretending to be who we are not, pretending to have what we don’t own, etc. is made out of lies in order to impress the gallery or to cheat someone, doing-as-if is made out of a hope and faith process, in the objective of a sane transformation.

Pretending is related to outside factors: people’s approval about who we pretend to be and about people’s opinion. Doing-as-if is related to our inner self and linked to personal goals destined to bring us more comfort about who we are and what we plan to become. The first one is focused on the outside’s opinion when the second one is based on the objective of an inner evolution.

The other major difference is that pretending expects the change to come from the outside, which is anything but possible.

But most of all, pretending in the aim of lying and cheating is disturbing the inner functioning because of the discordance between the mind (which eventually might approve), the body (which is the one who will mostly pay for this inner discordance) and the soul (which we never give much attention to yet it plays a major role in the balance in terms of realization of success ad happiness). Thus there can be no positive change coming out of it, no evolution no transformation, but rather a sort of regression due to the fact that lies and cheating are based on negative aims.

And the other side, doing-as-if is related to some efforts made in the objective of a personal inner enhancement and elevation. It is meant to satisfy something which is not related to the outside, to people or to the society, but to some deep inner quests and desires closely linked to a deep need of self-realization and fulfilment. Doing-as-if calls for a change from the inside which actually is the natural way which growth, development and succeed usually follow. And of course, doing-as-if has the full adherence of the mind, the body and the soul.  It hence is a profitable and enriching experience. And in the facts, the positive change actually is on the way.  

The Natural Success Process
Doing-as-if is among the processes that helped me succeed in functions that were not related to my background and diplomas, making me evolve sometimes in a better way than qualified people. This is the process which allowed me to reach some situations that I never imagined I could live one day.

This is how I realized that whatever the situation you are in, whatever your background, your origin, your possessions… you can get absolutely anywhere, become absolutely who you wish to and get what you deeply ask for provided:
1-   you give display the required energy for it;
2-   you develop enough sel-confidence to allow yourself to reach what you are looking for;
and most of all, when:

3-   your requirements are in full accordance with your mind, your body and your soul, which will allow them to work in synergy for the achievement of your goals. ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

lundi 28 août 2017

Existing, loving the person that we are and making things work out right.

Yes, there is indeed one sole way to make things work out for us, and it requires loving the person we are enough to authorize it.

Gratuitous remark? From a scientific point of view may be but this is not even certain since more and more scientific reports tend to show the causality aspect between self esteem, self acceptance and success.

But from the Natural Life Process point of view, this is common sense. because common sense made it that way that the moment you begin to exist for real, you start to accept yourself. And self acceptance is an open door to happiness.

Happiness by the way, is nothing but enjoying every little moment of every situation, whatever the circumstances. And when we begin to appreciate everything that we look at and see, this is the beginning of the gratefulness step.
Gratefulness activates a neuronal reprogramming which triggers and facilitates an inner success process.

If this is still necessary, this is what it gives in details.

Existing is positioning oneself on the Life market.
 Considering the Natural Life Process, every single living and non living being and thing on the planet has a specific mission. As a result of this, no one and nothing is useless, from the frightening spider in the corner of the wall to the cockroach in the cupboards, and this includes the human being, from the daily drunkard to the daily mean and complaining persons that you know.
The Natural Life Process requires every one of us to find our place in the giant universal microcosm.

 When bringing out a product, a Company knows that this specific product needs to be positioned on the market. Because no matter its cost, beauty or utility, a product not existing on the market, is simply not existing at all! In order to exist for real, we hence need to position ourselves on the Life market.

Some personal growth trainings talk about « finding one’s identity »as first step. In other words, finding one’s identity consists in knowing who we are, being able to describe our personal identity, being able to position ourselves in terms in the family, in our history, in our projections, in our current environment, etc.

Self acceptance is accepting to pamper oneself, it is allowing one self to be free, admirable, lovable and respectable.
As long as we exist, better do it in the best possible ways. And this implies to exist with and through each single cell of our being, with each single thing that makes our specificity be they good or bad. When we decide to exist for real, we somehow are ready to learn to accept, to enjoy and to appreciate ourselves. 

What is the actual definition of self acceptance? Well this is over interpreted but it actually is a full time activity of self pampering and self giving attention that no one except our Sweet Mothers could do better that us. So the best solution is to do it ourselves.

Credit image: Pixabay.

·         The self acceptance equation.
 There is this wonderful thing which happens when our self acceptance is high; it is this magical and natural process of self acknowledgment, of self confidence, of self respect and of self esteem. I am not saying that this systematically the cases but in most cases, this is the logical sequence and the natural extension of self acceptance.

When we learn to know where we are really coming from, the place to where we really wish to go, at what rhythm and with which means, when we begin to give ourselves a little interest, trying to know what we like the most, what we like the less, which persons, things and situations are matching with us, what kind of project we feel at ease enough to be willing to develop it, etc.

But I think that the most wonderful part of it all is this: when we love ourselves enough we naturally avoid any person and situation that could be prejudicial to our happiness and well being. Actually, we simply attract more easily persons and situations focused on a sustainable construction. It becomes uncontrollable, instinctive. We naturally get surrounded by people who accept and love us to the point that is their gestures, glances, words, allow us to accept ourselves even more.

The nearest mathematical correspondence to this is, I think, a combination of + and of x equationned as follows :

=> (The way I see myself + The way I care about myself) X (Your respectous and loving company) = The development of my self- acceptance and self-esteem.
=> The development of my self acceptance and self esteem  => my natural direction towards people and situations that are beneficial and constructive for me = > Even more self acceptance and self esteem.

·         Self acceptance: the supreme independence.
 In the achievement of self acceptance, there is another magic thing happening which is called independence. Actually, the most freeing, sustainable and efficient and also the most authentic form of independence that exists on earth is the mental and affective independence.

Credit image: Pixabay.

Actually self acceptance is feeling good with oneself in full compliance with one’s thought and actions. And no one else’s look or validation concerning who I am or what I need to do is required.

Anybody can see, heard, feel and appreciate self acceptance and self esteem in a person. This self esteem and self acceptance have the power to develop a sort of capacity, to make one feel comfortable, to bring a certain charisma and self confidence that make one more  admirable and attractive.

In a global way, people with a reasonable feeling of self acceptance fill their own inner gap. They won’t need to lay it on with a trowel to enhance their outside aspect and to attract people’s attention or to beg for affection. Therefore, jealousy and envy become useless feelings because these people already fully enjoy and appreciate who they are as persons and what they possess.

In addition, self acceptance leads to self respect. And self respectful people usually tend to respectable things and situations.
And last but not the least, in the Natural life Process, self acceptance sets our inner machine to take us to the place we are meant to be. This situation usually and naturally leads to what they call “abundance” while it is nothing but the normal state human being is meant to reach.

The fact is that we all were initially conceived to appreciate and to accept ourselves. And as long as do not respect this Natural Life Process we are out of kilter with our master pieces which are not at their right place of the giant puzzle. And as long as this is the case, the writings on the walls are not clear. The teeth of the gear don’t match together. The machine simply doesn’t take off.  

On the contrary, when all the pieces are correctly placed where they are meant to, things interlock by themselves and bring with them these lots of exceptional and magic situations that we are all meant to live.

Conclusion :
1- I exist and that’s great.
ð  Since I showed and manifested myself to me, each part of my beings are the ones I am called to deal with for almost all my life. And since I will need to deal with for a lifetime, the best thing for e is to learn to know and to appreciate what I see of myself and to appreciate the person that I am.

2- I accept the person that I am and this is wonderful.
Because all of these things that I have done for others when I fall in love, I finally give it to myself now.   
ð  My interest, my time, my energy and my care are all, for once, turned in my favor.

3- Everything works out.
Because self acceptance and self respect call for other’s acceptance of the person I am, and call for other’s respect.
My self acceptance and self respect call for Life’s interest and respect.
My self acceptance and self respect lead each piece of my inner and outside machine to fully match with the gear of the Universe.
These gears are tuning in an upward movement and my Life follows the same direction.  ©

Make It Happen!Mada
Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.

Should you look for a personal or professional motivation accompaniment in order to reach some specific life or performing goals, please contact us.
In the pleasant perspective of this exchange!

Personal & professional motivation-mentoring program.
Skype: cid-ar

Les jaloux: des écorchés vifs de la vie?

Et alors? Mais tous les écorchés vifs (et il y en a) n'em... pas le monde pour autant!   Que les jaloux aient bâclé ou raté des étapes c...